Address: 55 West Main St
Inventory Num: 22
Location: South Side 0.3 Mi West of Route 85
Year Built: 1790
Builder: Unknown
Style: Cape
Current Use: Grist Mill/Residence

Notable Architectural Features:
- Asymmetrical facade
- Center brick Chimney
- 6/6 sash with blinds
- walkout cellar is part of living space
- Foundation fieldstone placed partially on monolithic boulder
Importance:Miller's house. The mill was operating 1740. The Mill House was built in 1790. The original mill works, made of rock maple, are now in Sturbridge Village. Ebenezer Fuller was the original operator in 1740. The were 38 mills in Hebron at one time. The present modern wheel (1978) , a breast type made of wood, is 20' in diameter and turns at 10 h.p. and creates 12 1/2 h.p.
Notes:"The Hebron Town Pound, one of the few restored Town Pounds in the State; located on the property of [55 Main Street], it seems only natural and right to have two friendly horses inside the Pound, and to have them trot over to see who is passing by. This Town Pound was in the 'Yankee' magazine four years ago.
The Mill House and Mill -- This house is unusual inasmuch as it is cut right into a granite monolith-boulder, which forms one downstairs wall of the house. The house is one story from the front, and three stories from the rear, with a series of terraces, accommodating to the many levels of the land. .. Both [buildings] are found in Dr. Albert E. Van Dusen's 'This is Connecticut' History."
(from Hebron, Ct: Hebron Historical Society booklet prepared for America's Bicentennial)
Related Outbuildings:Town pound (enclosure of fieldstone walls) Restored and consists of fieldstone walls enclosing an area apporx. 40' x 40'.