Address: 133 Lebanon Road
Inventory Num: 101
Location: Northeast side 0.4 miles east of Millstream Road
Year Built: 1840
Builder: Unknown
Style: Georgian / Federal
Current Use: Residence
Notable Architectural Features:
- 5-bay balanced facade
- Small center chimney
- 12/12 sash on first floor, 12/8 sash on second
- Boxed eaves and cornice returns are supported by corner pilasters
- Window casings simulate pilasters with blocks in the upper corners
- The doorway has a double pilastereffect with the same trim and an entablature with a panelled frieze. This surrounds double door and a 5-light transom
- The window and door casings on the sides are unadorned although there is also a 5-light transom on the east side door.
Notes:"...attractive home is a center-chimney one, with extension, and is notable for its dignified finishing details on the facade. Scrollwork finishes the pilasters and the doorway is enhanced by double-grooved woodwork, pediment, and over-the-door lights. A panelled door completes the gracious entrance."
(from Hebron, Ct: Hebron Historical Society booklet prepared for America's Bicentennial)