Address: 605 Church St
Inventory Num: 85
Location: Southeast corner at Deepwood Road
Year Built: 1860 - 1890
Builder: Unknown
Style: Victorian
Current Use: Residence
Notable Architectural Features:
- Twin end brick chimneys
- Asymetrical facade
- Half dormers with Shed roof area recent addition
- 6/6 sash
- Colonial Revival front porch with hipped roof
- Foundation not visible from public access
- Exposed rafter ends
- Barn is built into a slope, has worn out wood shingles, 6/6 sash and a large fanlight in the gable end. It was used as the powerhouse for an industrial complex described in survey form number 67-204
Importance:"Disclosure paperwork at the time of purchase (9/2001) indicates original portion of the house was built in 1840. Additions to the house were probably the dates listed above."
(2008 homeowner)
Notes:The barn was used as the powerhouse for an industrial complex described in survey form number 67-204