Address: 60 Church St
Inventory Num: 60
Location: West side Route 85, 0.3 Mi South of Rte 66
Year Built: 1840
Builder: Unknown
Style: Greek Revival
Current Use: Rectory

Notable Architectural Features:
- Pedimented gable end to street
- Gothic Palladian type window in the tympanum
- One interior brick chimney
- 6/6 sash on all but first floor on the main facade which features 9/9 sash
- Corner pilasters have a gothic pointed arch recessed panel
- There is a wide frieze board
- Windows have small hood mouldings
- A victorian veranda which spans the front of the house has three arched bays whose corners are filled in with lattice work
- Doorway is recssed approx. 1 foot and has side and transom lights
- Ashlar foundation
- Two story wing has a one story wing attached to it
Notes:" early Victorian house of great charm; its ballroom on the second floor was used for small church meetings for many years."
(from Hebron, Ct: Hebron Historical Society booklet prepared for America's Bicentennial)