Address: 13 Church St
Inventory Num: 56
Location: East side Route 85, 0.05 Mi South of Rte 66
Year Built: 1816
Builder: John Graves
Style: Federal/ Greek Revival
Current Use: Residence

Notable Architectural Features:
- Pedimented gable end to street
- Interior chimney
- 12/12 sash
- Ashlar foundation
- Pediment has a fanlight in the typanum and trigliphs and metopes on the rake board.
- Doorway has fluted pilasters supporting a pediment
- Iron tracery in front of fan and sidelights
- Window framing quite plain
- Asymetrical facade
Importance:Built in 1816 by John Graves, a cabinetmaker who had an adjoining wookworking shop. In 1860's Dr. Cyrus Pendleton, famed Hebron physician, purchased the property. Present owner is descendent of Dr. Pendleton. (1978) --Horace Sellers
(WPA Survey -Hebron #6)Date [built] (Source) 1816 (Heer.)
Orig Owner John Graves
Exterior Plain window and door casements. Wide 19th century cornice at the ends. Two story porch on Doric columns at the south side. Fanlight in gable. Clapboarded walls.
(WPA Architectural Survey - ca. 1935 - # 06)
Notes:"...home is a Federal style, with extensions, large central chimney, large fireplaces and front hall. A beautiful home with fine molding detail at roofline and delicate fanlight in the attic. Both entrance fanlight and side lights are leaded glass, with dignified pediment finishing the entrance."
(from Hebron, Ct: Hebron Historical Society booklet prepared for America's Bicentennial)