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Hebron Historic Properties Commission

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Property Details - 30 Marjorie Circle

Address: 30 Marjorie Circle
Inventory Num: 140
Location: North side 0.3 Mi west of Route 85
Year Built: 1850
Builder: Unknown
Style: Greek Revival/Victorian
Current Use: Farm
National Register of Historic Places(District)1993
Notable Architectural Features:
"Chaste as only a fine Federal dwelling can be, the home stands proudly upon its high bank, secured by its sturdy ancient retaining wall. This house has a large ell and is distinguished by a triangular window in the attic, large fireplaces and New England porticos over the entrances. Beautiful grounds and plantings add greatly to the setting."
(from Hebron, Ct: Hebron Historical Society booklet prepared for America's Bicentennial)