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Property Details - 25 Church St

Address: 25 Church St
Inventory Num: 58
Location: East side Route 85, 0.2 Mi South of Rte 66
Year Built: 1813
Style: Federal/ Greek Revival
Current Use: Residence
National Register of Historic Places(District)1993
Notable Architectural Features:
The main house has been updated several times. Home purchased in 2003 and owners have updated every room in the house. Some rooms were a complete remodel other were minor. The barn that was existing when the home was purchased had to be torn down as a result of structural damage from a fallen tree. Built a new barn from Nov. 05 - Feb 06.
(2008 homeowner)
Fenestration 6 light sash; plain window casements. Two windows left of door at corner, 3 windows in the 2nd floor, fanlight in gable peak which faces the road. Exterior Recent porch. Cornice carries across the gable end. Clapboarded walls.
(WPA Architectural Survey - ca. 1935 - # 19)

Wrap around porch does not exist. There is some evidence that a porch was on the front of the house
(2008 homeowner)