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Property Details - 21 Marjorie Circle

Address: 21 Marjorie Circle
Inventory Num: 138
Location: South side 0.1 Mi west of Route 85
Year Built: 1760 - 1800
Builder: Unknown
Style: Georgian/ Federal
Current Use: Residence
National Register of Historic Places(District)1993
Notable Architectural Features:
Originally a two room hotel kept by Mrs Mary Fuller, wife of Ebenezer Fuller. Enlarged in 1770 by Roger Fuller
Orig Owner Once Bissell; once a Fuller Place Present Owner [1935-37] Mrs. Gertrude Hough (inherited from Horace Porter) Doorway 1840 type; narrow sidelights.
(WPA Architectural Survey - ca. 1935 - # 23a)

"This lovely center-chimney house has a large extension on the rear and is a beautifully preserved home. The front entrance treatment with door side lights, adds greatly to its dignity."
(from Hebron, Ct: Hebron Historical Society booklet prepared for America's Bicentennial)