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Property Details - 7 Main Street

Address: 7 Main Street
Inventory Num: 11
Location: North Side at Route 85
Year Built: 1860
Builder: Hewitt family
Style: Victorian
Current Use: Residence
National Register of Historic Places(District)1993
Notable Architectural Features:
There was an existing house on this site that burned in the great fire in Hebron on the North side of Main Street
(2008 Homeowner)
The house was built in 1886 by the Hewitt family. The Hewitt family owned and ran the general store across the street from where McCorrison reality is located. This house was built for Mr. Hewitt's son and new daughter-in-law in 1886
(Jim and Jeanne Geer (2008 homeowners))
The house has always been a private residence. The Hebron Congregational Church purchased the house in 1973 and rented it out as a two family. The church sold the house one year later.
(Jim and Jeanne Geer (2008 homeowners))